1703 Lake Katharine Rd., Jackson
Over 2,000 acres with 120-acre lake, 5.5 miles of hiking trails, cliffs, three deep ravines, and Appalachian forests filled with beautiful wildflowers and plants including 20 plant species listed as being endangered or threatened.

This municipal park offers a bike path, tennis courts, baseball fields and a dog park.

In the midst of some of Ohio's most rugged, scenic territory of Jackson and Vinton Counties lies 292-acre Lake Alma State Park. A quiet 60-acre lake and a gentle creek meandering through a wooded valley provide a restful setting for park visitors. This state park offers camping, hiking, fishing, boating, swimming and a bike trail.

342 Hammertown Lake Rd., Jackson
Hammertown Lake (Jackonson City Reservoir) is located in Jackson County, Ohio. This lake is 190 acres in size. It is approximately 50 feet deep at its deepest point. It offers fishing, boating, and picnic areas. Anglers can expect to catch a variety of fish including Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Rainbow Trout and Saugeye

​346 E. Broadway St., Jackson
A municipal park, Manpower Park offers a shelter house, gazebo and handicap-friendly playground.

Although relatively small, 106-acre Jackson Lake State Park boasts some of the most scenic country in Ohio. The park's serene lake is a focal point for excellent fishing and provides the ideal setting for a peaceful retreat. Visitors can enjoy boating, a picnic area, shelter house and playground.

Leo Petroglyph is listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its
series of petroglyphs, or rock carvings, ancient Indians chiseled into an outcropping of sandstone.
The age of these carvings is unknown. However, based on the symbolism and the amount of weathering of the generally soft sandstone, they probably are less than one thousand years old and so likely are the work of the Late Prehistoric period Fort Ancient culture, or of American Indians living in the region during the period European contact.

123 Buckeye Park Rd., Wellston
​Ohio has long been known for it's Iron cities. Jackson County was a major producer of Iron in the 19th Century. From about 1830 to 1900, the Hanging Rock Iron Region (HRIR) which included Jackson, produced the majority of iron within the United States.
Although there are other furnaces in the area, Buckeye Furnace is the only totally restored site in Ohio. You can take a self tour of the furnace area, look around the company store or visit the covered bridge on the property. Bring a picnic and enjoy the landscape around you.

McKinley Park
William McKinley was the 25th President of the United States. Following McKinley’s assassination in 1901, the Village of Jackson dedicated this triangle of land as a park in his honor. Earlier in the nineteenth century, a small school had occupied the plot. In 1902, a local commission was appointed to oversee the development of a park. It was not, however, until 2012 that the Jackson Garden Lovers Club finished the commission’s long overdue work. The park was dedicated in 2013, 111 years after it began.